2024年5月28日到6月5日,环球特邀加拿大阿省政府官员Vernon May作为环球加拿大移民中国区巡回展的嘉宾,为大家深度解析目前的加拿大移民现状和加拿大的一些政策变化,并为大家推荐目前处于申请红利期的阿省企业家移民项目!
Vernon May在环球出国签署政府创业移民支持信
Vernon May此次专程前往中国大陆各个环球出国公司所在城市,为参与巡回展的现场客户签发创业移民支持信。趁着活动的一些空档,我们也抓紧机会,给Vernon May进行了一次深度采访。
Vernon May,Wetaskiwin经济发展委员会负责人 Vernon May,从事加拿大市政经济发展工作11年,现任加拿大阿尔伯塔省韦塔斯基温市(Wetaskiwin)经济发展委员会负责人。负责审核、签发阿省企业家项目【政府创业移民支持信】。通过阿尔伯塔省企业家移民和乡村振兴项目("Rural Entrepreneur" and "Rural Renewal"),Vernon May在2023年为来自全球11个国家的数百名申请人签发了支持信,帮助很多投资人成功移民加拿大并开展创业。 对话Vernon Q1-对于这些有志于在阿省创业的申请人,政府方面会提供哪些帮助来确保他们的创业和定居之路更为顺畅和成功? 在我看来,在企业家和Wetaskiwin市的关系中重要的部分是,我们共同合作去定位你的商业兴趣,找出市场上的潜在商业竞争,确保你能在商业上获得成功。在于Wetaskiwin的合作过程中会有很大的不同。你再和Wetaskiwin市打交道的过程中,我会与你一直沟通,无论是一开始还是整个过程中,包括你的所有申请阶段从考察访问阶段到登陆建立业务阶段,我们会一直协助你一步步完成启动并且会持续关注您的事业发展进程,为您的事业保驾护航。 I think the most important part in the relationship between city Wetaskiwin and the entrepreneur is that we work with you to identify the business interests that you have to identify what competition exists in the market to make sure that you can be successful in that business. The other thing that makes the relationship very different with Wetaskiwin versus dealing with a larger city is when you deal with Wetaskiwin, you deal with me at the beginning of the process and throughout the process through all of your application stages, through your exploratory visit. And then when you come to establish your business, we help you through every step of the process and also do ongoing care after you've opened your business to make sure that everything is going okay. —Vernon May Q2-请简单介绍一下Wetaskiwin市? Wetaskiwin坐落在阿尔伯塔省的中心,常驻人口是12,500人,但每日服务的市场人群可达5万,我们距离埃德蒙顿国际机场仅35分钟车程,公路和铁路纵横四方,从墨西哥一路直通阿拉斯加。这里不仅是很好的运输中转枢纽,也是宁静的安家之处。市里配套有五所学校,可以提供免费的教育,有24小时的区域医院可以提供免费医疗。 The city of Wetaskiwin is located in central Alberta. it's a city with a population of 12,500 people but serving a market area of 50,000 people in dail. We're only 35 minutes away from the Edmonton Int'l Airport by car. We're serviced by road and rail north south and east west all the way from Mexico to Alaska. So it's a very good location for logistics, it's a very quiet location for family and home to five schools, a 24 hour regional hospital with free health care and free education. —Vernon May Q3-可以简单介绍一下阿省企业家项目吗?为什么Wetaskiwin市会加入这个项目? 阿省企业家移民项目不仅能创造商业机会,也为家庭的幸福生活带来无限可能,我们将直接与企业家合作,为他们找到适合的商业项目以及适宜的生活社区确保他们都能在加拿大幸福生活。 The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program-Rural Entrepreneur Stream creates opportunities not only for business but also to create a prosperous future for your family. We work directly with entrepreneurs to find the business that will be a fit for them as well as the community and to ensure a successful life in Canada. —Vernon May Q4-为什么您和家人选择定居在阿尔伯塔省呢? 在我的职业生涯中我有幸参与过加拿大3个不同省份的经济发展工作,我的家庭选择定居在阿尔伯塔省,因为这里物价适中,生活品质高,教育质量和医护水平也都很不错,同时阿尔伯塔的商业环境优质,税制良好,企业还能受到市政和省级政府的支持。 During my career, I have had the opportunity to work in economic development in three different provinces in Canada. And my family has chosen Alberta for the affordability, the quality of life, the quality of education and recreation and health care and also it is a tremendous business environment with a good tax structure and a very supportive government at the municipal and provincial level. —Vernon May Q5-为什么选择与环球出国合作? Wetaskiwin市很高兴能和环球出国合作因为我们看到环球出国对他们客户的重视,环球出国不仅致力于帮助客户取得成功,也重视于满足客户的需求。我们对当下与环球出国的合作感到非常满意,也期待着未来长远的共同发展。 The city of Wetaskiwin is very glad to partner with Globevisa because we can see the attention that they pay for their clients to ensure that their clients can be successful and their needs are being successfully met. We have enjoyed a collaboration with Globevisa today and look forward to many years working together. —Vernon May
环球项目总监Lesley Ma和加拿大阿省政府官员Vernon May
Vernon May 为我们介绍的就是目前属于红利申请期的加拿大阿省企业家移民。阿省企业家的申请条件:
1. 家庭净资产30万加币,也就是差不多150多万人民币
2. 高中或高中以上的学历
3. CLB4分的语言成绩,是加拿大目前比较低的英语水平要求了
4. 近10年有3年的持股经验或者4年的高管经验,高管只需要提供工作证明信、组织架构图等来公司文件来证明即可,无需提供社保和个税
5. 投资至少10万加币在阿省社区购买或者新建一个生意并经营12个月的时间
目前申请人只需要满足高中学历、雅思4分这两点要求,基本上就可以办理阿省企业家项目!现在启动办理还可以获得加拿大政府官员Vernon May的全力支持,轻松拿到政府创业移民支持信,让政府官员为你的移民之路保驾护航!